Turning steps into strides


Do you ever feel like you don’t know where your money is going? Have difficulty following a budget? Scared to check your credit card balances? Unable to reach your financial goals because you don’t know where the money will come from? Or you simply don’t know where to start with building wealth?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are in the right place! 

Dancy With Money is a one stop shop for personal finance planning, coaching services, and articles on all things finance.

We have coached clients in nine different states including North Carolina, Connecticut and New York rendering a combined client savings of $60,000 and consumer debt payoff of approximately $50,000.

We have also delivered blog posts ranging from budgeting, strategically using credit cards, and financial journey spotlights on various individuals. 

Lastly, Philip has built a six-figure net worth at the age of 26 by using simple financial strategies which are taught during coaching sessions.

So if you recently started your career, are burdened with debt, or you are ready to make that shift in your finances, we have you covered! Sign-Up for a coaching session today or check out our blogs to learn about various financial topics to help you with your journey to building wealth!