Compound interest. Albert Einstein once said “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it…he who doesn’t…pays it.” Since interest comes in different forms, the compounding affect can be your best friend, or your worst enemy depending on the financial product. So today we’ll be discussing the good, the bad, and not so ugly part of compound interest as it relates to your finances.
Read MoreI challenge you to save an additional $50 every week for the next 52 weeks ($2,600 Total)! The purpose of this challenge is to create an effective and fun way to save some extra cash, all while keeping you motivated throughout the year.
Read MoreSo you’re saving, AWESOME! But answer this, what is your current annual percentage yield (APY) for your savings account?!
Read MoreIts payday! But answer this: what is the first thing you normally do after receiving that check?
Read MorePicture this, you go to your routine medical exam thinking your insurance covers everything. However, you get handed a $500 bill that you can not afford.
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